Your Daily Eyecare Routine with Aelo
Aelo | 'ae-lo':Derived from the Latin word "eulo," which is a verb meaning "to wash out."

Step 1: Eye Hygiene
Regular cleansing of the eyelids and eyelashes can significantly reduce the risk of developing meibomian gland dysfunction, anterior blepharitis, and styes, all of which may contribute to the occurrence of dry eyes.
Moreover, for those already experiencing these conditions, regular cleansing can bring relief and improve the associated symptoms.

Step 2: Warm Compress
Did you know that prolonged screen time can decrease the frequency of blinking, potentially causing blockage in the meibomian glands within your eyelids?
Applying our heated eye mask can work wonders in loosening blocked meibomian glands, leading to improved tear production and reduced dry eye symptoms. Our heated eye masks are designed based on research indicating that to effectively unblock clogged meibomian glands, improve oil flow, and potentially boost oil production, a temperature of at least 40°C should be maintained for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Gentle eyelid massages during the warm compress session further enhance the process by stimulating blood flow to the eyelids, effectively reducing inflammation.

Step 3: Lubricate
Once you've addressed the cleanliness and functionality of your eyelids and glands, it's time to ensure adequate lubrication for your eyes.
Lubricating eye drops, supplements your natural tear film, helping to maintain moisture on the surface of your eyes.
Explore our curated selection of optometrist-approved eye drops!